mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

Italian Cuisine Graphs: pasta

For those of you thinking about working in the Italian food& beverage business, or simply those who consider themselves Italian cuisine lovers, these facts are just a must. In order to fully appreciate Italian food, you cannot but know everything about its main ingredient, that is pasta. However, instead of collecting information through Wikipedia and scouring through cook books, I'd like to propose to you a series of simple, amusing but at the same time informative graphs with everything you should know (at an beginner and intermediate level).

‘The Truth About Pasta,’ released by Think Sicily, is a historical account of the carb-heavy Italian dish.
Almost universally loved, pasta is a famously delicious dinner mainstay. Though perhaps not considered the healthiest food, the ever-popular carb is inescapable. Most cherished for its versatility, pasta has a history as rich as the dishes it’s used in. The infographic details the consumption of pasta, the creation of the ingredient and the types of pasta that exist. Italy is unsurprisingly the most pasta-friendly country on earth, but some unexpected runners-up are featured on the chart.
Cutely adopting penne-inspired graphics, the chart is a straightforward and comprehensive overview of pasta. Likely to appeal to pasta-eaters and Italy enthusiasts in general, this is a light and breezy read.


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